Saturday, August 10, 2013

One last good bye, so long and thanks for all the fish! :-)

Dear Reader
After a loooooooooooong journey we made it home last night. There was a problem with the plane in Dubai and it delayed us by almost three hours. That delay caused us to miss our connecting flight from Frankfurt to Zurich and we had to wait until 4.30pm for seats on a flight.

Once in Zurich the roads home were so busy that the normal drive of half an hour took more than one hour. Zurich is hosting the annual ‘Street Parade’ and there are an expected one million people in the city. Some of them come by car…
Anyway, we got home, eat something small and collapsed into our beds. No muezzin disturbed our sleep and so we did sleep until there was no more sleep in us. The week-end will be spent with unpacking, laundry, calling friends and family and generally getting ready for school and work which restarts on Monday.

It has been a great experience to visit Somaliland. It will take time to digest everything and to sort through the pictures and chose the ones that will go into our Somaliland photobook. We’ve made some new friends which we are going to miss a lot. But then again, that’s what skype, facebook and all the others are for, right?
the last meal in Dubai we took at the Mawal,
 a Lebanese restaurant beside the Hotel
(please note the glass with Araq!!!)
the food was outstanding and so was dessert...
...couldn't resist
thank god we enjoyed a wonderful meal,
otherwise I would have gone completely mad
waiting for 4h at the gate C15 without food or water
leaving luxuriously decadent Dubai
what will happen to all that when they run out of oil?
flying into the morning - I love that
over Germany and...
...close to Frankfurt...
...just before touching down
Thank you for following our blog, for your likes and comments. It was a pleasure having you watch.

All the best!
Liana, Salomé and Angelika
PS: thanks to more and stronger drugs that were prescribed to me by the wonderful doctors Said and Shoukri and with the help and good advise of wonderful Pharmasist Barakat, I managed to ignore the pain in my knee almost always. I will take care of that next week when meeting with the orthopaedic surgeon.

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